Our home study agency informed us last week that all the necessary changes/updates had been made to our home study, and that they mailed our home study to USCIS early last week. I just received on email from USCIS this morning informing me that they had received our homestudy, and that it is in "a pile to be reviewed in the next 2-3 weeks." So, yet another waiting period begins.
USCIS seemed much more willing to expediate the process when they received our home study the first time. I don't know if they're frustrated with our agency or what, but they are not going to review our home study immediately this time around. One of the things I've learned is that it's hard to update this blog on a regular basis when there is so rarely new information to talk about.
So, please pray that the USCIS peeps will review their materials in a timely manner, and that they will be diligent. Also pray that we will be patient and confident that our God who has begun a work in us will faithfully see us through.